Non. Vous avez lu trop vite, les accusations sont graves par Gaspard 2020-04-23 22:46:02 |
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Je ne sais pas si ce que dit Church Militant est un tissu de mensonges (auquel cas les avocats de la FSSPX feront vite supprimer la page) ou pas, mais en ce qui concerne leurs accusations vous avez vraiment lu trop vite.
Les propos prêtés ne sont pas "déplacés" mais totalement pervers.
L'accusatrice dit en outre avoir rencontré une victime d'agression sexuelle dont la plainte aurait été jugée crédible par les autorités de son État et avoir connaissance d'une autre "victime" via un responsable de la FSSPX mais sans décrire l'accusation.
L'accusatrice affirme avoir demandé au supérieur de district FSSPX des Etats-Unis s'il avait diligenté une enquête, réponse non.
L'accusatrice s'étonne ensuite qu'un pèlerinage avec 50% de femmes ait été confié à l'abbé D.
Mais surtout, un aveu des dirigeants de la FSSPX par mails accidentellement transmis à... Church Militant, d'après ce que dit Church Militant :
The SSPX was thrown into a panic after Church Militant contacted them with a query about Fr. Duverger. In their eventual email response, they didn't realize — until it was too late — that they had accidentally included in the email thread a series of behind-the-scenes emails among leadership strategizing about how to respond to Church Militant. Their emails reveal an organization devoted more to protecting the institution than of concern for victims.
Most of the strategizing came from James Vogel, communications director for the U.S. district for the SSPX. He's editor-in-chief of Angelus Press, the official publisher of the SSPX.
In an email dated February 24, 2020, Vogel acknowledges to others in the thread — again unaware that Church Militant would see the email — the ugly history of sex abuse in the SSPX: "We cannot issue a blanket denunciation of the accusers and say he [Duverger] is innocent of everything. Church Militant has already dug into some of our ugly cases in France; what if they find out the history here?"
He goes on to say, "We can admit he's been placed under restrictions, but I still think MOST people will find it bizarre he is allowed to teach/run a school under the circumstances."
(...) Vogel responds, "(...)Whatever we say or decide: They will respond. ... It will not end with Fr. Duverger; Jassy's claims and contacts will be a veritable 'gold mine' for them."
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