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La différence des ordres de connaissance est dorénavant magistérielle
par Rodolphe 2015-07-29 12:23:03
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Je l'avais expliqué en me référant au discours de Saint Jean Paul II à l'Académie pontificale des sciences du 22 octobre 1996 (notamment ICI.

Cette distinction des "ordres du savoir" a été reprise par Benoit XVI, comme l'a souligné le Cardinal Schönborn lors de son intervention à l'occasion du colloque de l'Académie pontificale des sciences d'octobre-novembre 2008, Scientific insights into the evolution of the universe and of life.

L'intitulé de cette intervention: "Pope Benedict XVI on "creation and evolution"" ICI.

On lit notamment ceci: "


In the symposium of 1985, Cardinal Ratzinger unmistakably stated: ‘In no case should the appearance of a new dispute between natural science and faith be created, because in fact that is not at all what this dialogue is about’ (quoted in: Creation and Evolution, p. 10). It does not pose a problem to faith to allow ‘the scientific hypothesis of evolution to develop in peace according to its own methods’ (ibid.). It is not the exact scientific work on the theory of evolution that is the problem, but its ‘remodelling’ into a philosophical explanatory model with a claim of totality. And the Cardinal adds: ‘The real level of discourse is that of philosophical thought: when natural science becomes a philosophy,it is up to philosophy to grapple with it. Only in that way is the contentious issue framed correctly; only then does it remain clear what we are dealing with: a rational, philosophical debate that aims at the objectivity of rational knowledge, and not a protest of faith against reason’(quoted in: Creation and Evolution, p. 10f.).

His speech at the Sorbonne ends with a similar conclusion: ‘There is at any rate no getting around the dispute about the extent of the claims of the doctrine of evolution as a fundamental philosophy and about the exclusive validity of the positive method as the sole indicator of systematic knowledge and of rationality. This dispute has therefore to be approached objectively and with a willingness to listen, by both sides – something that has hitherto been undertaken only to a limited extent’ (loc. cit., p. 179). Pope Benedict here voices what seems to be mostly overlooked in the public debate: The alternative does not read: Either creationism or evolutionism! Nor does it read: Either faith or science! It is rather about the philosophical question as to the scope and the limits of the strictly quantitative method of the natural sciences: Philosophy is required as an entity mediating between faith and the natural sciences. Philosophy is sought in order to formulate the limits of the scientific methods and their scope, in order to reveal boundary crossings, in order to open up any narrowed concepts of reason. A good philosophy of nature can help avoid the fundamentalisms imminent on both sides today, i.e. the religious as well as the scientific ones.".

Mais vous n'assumez ce principe de la différence des ordres du savoir que pour une partie du récit de la création et retournez, à tort, à un littéralisme historiciste lorsqu'il s'agit d'Adam et Ève et de la chute...


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                                          réponse par Argali  (2015-07-30 21:18:01)
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                                                                  Réponse par Argali  (2015-08-06 19:37:16)
                                                                  Lisons A. Paul en effet !! par Rodolphe  (2015-08-06 19:53:57)
                                                                      Je ne pense pas par Jean Ferrand  (2015-08-06 21:42:15)
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                                                                                  Réponse par Argali  (2015-08-07 19:11:26)
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                                                                                          Vous ne répondez pas. par Argali  (2015-08-08 11:00:03)
                                                                                              Mais je sais bien par Jean Ferrand  (2015-08-08 11:44:38)
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                                                                                                  Réponse par Argali  (2015-08-08 22:28:50)
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                          La différence des ordres de connaissance est dorénavant magistérielle par Rodolphe  (2015-07-29 12:23:03)
                          nombre de Père de l'Eglise ont eu ce "blocage intellectuel" par jejomau  (2015-07-29 13:01:25)
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                                  justement par jejomau  (2015-07-29 22:51:05)
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                                          Apparemment! par Miserere  (2015-07-30 11:24:48)
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