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Cardinal Mueller a propos des nouvelles restrictions envers la Messe
par Mauwgan 2021-07-19 15:59:25
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C'est en anglais, mais j'imagine que cela est en train d'etre traduit... En attendant, pour vous. ICI

"Nobody can turn a blind eye to the fact that even those priests and laypeople who celebrate Mass according to the order of the Missal of St. Paul VI are now being widely decried as traditionalist. The teachings of Vatican II on the uniqueness of redemption in Christ, the full realization of the Church of Christ in the Catholic Church, the inner essence of the Catholic liturgy as adoration of God and mediation of grace, Revelation and its presence in Scripture and Apostolic Tradition, the infallibility of the magisterium, the primacy of the pope, the sacramentality of the Church, the dignity of the priesthood, the holiness and indissolubility of marriage – all these are being heretically denied in open contradiction to Vatican II by a majority of German bishops and lay functionaries (even if disguised under pastoral phrases)."

Comme m'a dit un american, quelqu'un vient de se faire claquer avec un gant blanc plusieurs fois!


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 Cardinal Mueller a propos des nouvelles restrictions envers la Messe par Mauwgan  (2021-07-19 15:59:25)
      Extraits - merci Monsieur le Cardinal par Johanis  (2021-07-19 17:11:00)
          C'est un texte fort par Rothomagus  (2021-07-19 22:44:44)

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