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c'est sur les questions de procédure que les révolutions se gagnent
par Presbu 2013-08-27 12:44:33
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pour Luc PERRIN: ces extraits très significatifs d'un article de soeur CAREY: "sisters, where are you?" dans l'américain CWR 'Catholic World Report'
La subversion de la "Leadership Conference of Women Religious" = Conférence des Supérieures Religieuses [soi-disantes catholiques] fut réalisée en modifiant adroitement ses règles électorales dès les années 1965:

CWR: How did a comparatively small cadre of sisters effect such an enormous change in women’s religious communities in a very short period of time?

Carey: The LCWR played a huge role in transforming most of the women’s religious orders in the US, and it continues to have a strong influence, even internationally, in spreading what the CDF called doctrinal errors and corporate dissent. As the Second Vatican Council was drawing to a close in 1965, some sisters put their own interpretation on Vatican II documents and subsequent Vatican teachings on the renewal of religious orders.

I describe in my book how change-oriented sisters worked their way into positions of authority in the LCWR and changed membership requirements from one superior to teams or entire councils being LCWR members. This allowed the change-oriented orders to have several voting members per order, maybe 8-12, compared to the classic orders that had maintained the one-superior model and thus had only one vote. So, it was easy for the change-oriented sisters to impose their own agenda on the LCWR, and through that organization, onto many orders of sisters. I write about how this caused a split in the LCWR, leading to establishment of the other superior’s conference, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious.

Sisters have told me that similar voting irregularities occur in their own orders, often with the vote of the elderly diluted, or by intimidation or deception. Usually, sisters vote for their leaders and on policies through delegates to their “chapter” meetings. However, delegates are now allowed to be self-appointed, thus allowing for a large group of change-oriented sisters to be a part of decision making in the chapter.

Les trois évêques chargés d'y remettre de l'ordre théologique et moral sont en place depuis de très longs mois, et ont pour mandat d'avoir terminé en cinq ans: Cependant, pas le moindre commencement de cette remise en ordre n'est visible, ce qui illustre la stratégie de "désaccord dans la fidélité" et de procrastination indéfinie que pratiquent ces dames:de ces dames: mais aucune autorité romaine n'ose dire que <la LCWR tout simplement favorise l'hérésie>!
--> Lourde responsabilité notre nouveau pape jésuite qui aime prendre tout son temps!


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 c'est sur les questions de procédure que les révolutions se gagnent par Presbu  (2013-08-27 12:44:33)
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