Le signe φ (phi) est apparu pour la première fois le 11.01.2010 lors de l'émission des timbres de la série « Cœur Lanvin ».
Le signe φ a été présenté lors de la Charte de la Philatélie et dixit Mme Françoise Eslinger (Directrice de Phil@poste) est « un véritable label qui identifie les timbres commémoratifs inscrits au Programme philatélique, qui sont le coeur même de la philatélie ».
The black clothes of clerics were not unknown upon those hills ; but these clothes, however clerical, had about them something at once commonplace and yet almost jaunty in comparison with the cassock or soutane, and marked the wearer as a man from the northwestern islands as clearly as if he had been labelled Clapham Junction. He carried a short thick umbrella with a knob like a club, at the sight of which his Latin friend almost shed tears of sentiment ; for it had figured in many adventures that they shared long ago. For this was the Frenchman’s English friend, Father Brown, paying a long desired but long-delayed visit.