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le pape fait des avances aux scissionnistes crypto-trad anglicans
par Presbu 2014-10-13 15:13:53
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en bon français, le pape François va bien plus loin que "anglicanorum coetibus" par ce que certains pourraient appeler une approche de débauchage au plus haut niveau vers le chef de la tendance la plus crypto-catholique des épiscopaliens d'Amérique du Nord: le sous-entendu jésuite est évident:< vous n'allez pas rester indéfiniment seuls, loin de Cantorbery et de ses épiscopesses! Une place large chez nous vous attend!> from the telegraph by John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor7:37PM BST 10 Oct 2014 Pope Francis has signalled his blessing to the breakaway traditionalist American church at the centre of the split which has divided the 80 million strong worldwide Anglican Communion over the issue of sexuality.
He sent a message offering his “prayers and support” to Archbishop Foley Beach, the new leader of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the conservative movement which broke away from The Episcopal Church after the ordination of the first openly gay bishop.
His message underlines the pressure facing the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, as he attempts to avert a formal schism in worldwide Anglicanism.
ACNA sees itself as the true Anglican church in the US, Canada and Mexico and believes that The Episcopal Church has abandoned the teaching of the Bible by embracing liberal stances on issues such as homosexuality.
Crucially it is recognised by the leaders of Anglican churches across Africa and Asia, many of whom were present at the new primate’s installation in Atlanta on Thursday.
[...] give my personal congratulations and greetings to Archbishop Foley.
“Assure him of my prayers and support at this moment and in the future as he leads the Church at this very important moment of revival and mission.”
Summoning the Archbishop forward, he passed on the blessing in Argentine fashion, kissing him twice on the forehead before embracing him.
Underlining the challenge faced by Archbishop Welby, who was not present, Bishop Venables added: “This is a celebration of true Anglicanism.
“This evening meeting in this place is the majority of the Anglican Communion, this evening here the majority of the Anglican Communion is represented because the vast majority in the Anglican Communion believe that the word of God is true, believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and believe that he is our only hope as we move forward.”


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 le pape fait des avances aux scissionnistes crypto-trad anglicans par Presbu  (2014-10-13 15:13:53)

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