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Qui sont ces nouveaux cardinaux?
par Jean Kinzler 2016-10-10 09:05:38
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Our initial notes on the Cardinals-elect:

1.Liberals, Bergoglians, and a Climate Change Warrior

Three of the new Cardinal electors are prominent liberals: Cupich of Chicago, De Kesel of Mechlin-Brussels, and Tobin of Indianapolis. Two of the three are from the U.S., signalling the Pope's clear intention to move the U.S. Church sharply leftward.

Enough has been written about Cupich (67) and we will not devote more space to him here.

Abp. Joseph Tobin (64) was Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICSAL) from 2010 to 2012 and is widely credited with using his position to greatly weaken the "visitation" launched by CICSAL into U.S women's religious congregations. As Archbishop of Indianapolis he was outspoken in calling for the USCCB to "reflect" the "newness that Pope Francis is bringing to the church universal" in its agenda. Only this weekend -- literally hours before the announcement of his elevation to the cardinalate -- he reportedly expressed his support for women deacons and women preaching at Mass.

Abp. Jozef De Kesel (69), protege of Cardinal Danneels and prominent Kasperite, was appointed less than a year ago as Archbishop of Mechlin-Brussels. In that short period he has made himself notorious for his suppression of the flourishing -- and conservative -- Fraternity of the Holy Apostles, which was founded by no less than his more orthodox predecessor, Archbishop Leonard, whose marginalization is now complete.

As for Cardinal-elect Farrell (69), the following tweet -- which he has not deleted -- should give us an idea as to where the "Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life" is headed under him:

Abp. John Ribat (59) of Port Moresby is known for his advocacy of a low-carbon lifestyle and his outspoken opposition to the death penalty. Since 2014 he has been the President of the Federation of Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania. (CathNews has various articles about him.)


Abp. Dieudonné Nzapalainga (49) was one of the Synod Fathers in the Extraordinary Synod on the Family in 2014. Although not particularly outspoken or prominent, he was part of the African bloc of prelates that resolutely resisted innovations in moral doctrine. He was appointed apostolic administrator of Bangui in 2009 in the midst of the rebellion of the Central African Republic's clergy over the Holy See's attempts to enforce the law on clerical celibacy. After three years as apostolic administrator, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Bangui in 2012.

3.The Cardinals elect and the Traditional Latin Mass.

Of the 13 future Cardinal electors, three have either attended or presided at at least one liturgical ceremony celebrated according to the Traditional Latin Rite in the post-Summorum era. These are Bp. Farrell, who blessed the Mater Dei (Irving, TX) parish church of the FSSP in 2010; Abp. Joseph Tobin, who celebrated Confirmation (followed by Benediction) according to the Traditional form in Holy Rosary Church in Indianapolis earlier this year; and Bp. Maurice Piat (75), who attended a Traditional Latin Mass in choro last month.

Among the 13, in addition to Bp. Piat (who invited the Institute of Christ the King to set up a presence in his diocese this year), three others provided for the implementation of Summorum Pontificum in their sees: Kevin Farrell during his time as Bishop of Dallas; Abp. Osoro Sierra (71), who, as Archbishop of Valencia in 2014, designated a church for regular celebrations of the TLM; and Abp. Sergio da Rocha (56), who in 2014 allowed the establishment of large IBP-run, fully traditional Catholic chapel in Brasilia.

A special mention goes to Cardinal-elect Ernest Simoni (88), who was imprisoned by the Albanian communists for 27 years (1963 - 1990). He continued to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass from memory and to give communion in secret during his long incarceration.

Another "special mention" -- for all the wrong reasons -- goes to Cardinal-elect Renato Corti (80), emeritus of Novara. Our long-time readers might remember him for his role in the "Novara affair" of 2007-2008 (see this and this) that directly led to the formation of the Traditional Catholic community in Vocogno. He was close to the late Cardinal Martini. RC


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                  Au temps pour moi! par Ubique Fidelis  (2016-10-09 19:52:56)
                      Au temps, par Sénéchal  (2016-10-09 21:58:15)
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                      En l'occurrence ... par Lycobates  (2016-10-09 22:14:34)
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                                      Très juste cher Confrère par Ubique Fidelis  (2016-10-10 23:26:36)
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              Certes, mais par Anonimus  (2016-10-12 19:17:45)

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